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Syncronise with Google Calender

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    Syncronise with Google Calender

    Are there any addons that will synchronise the CommitCRM calender with google calender?

    I currently use CompanionLink to do the sync between Sage Act! and google and this works well and allows me to have all my appointments, tasks etc on my android phone.

    If I make a change to contacts, calender, tasks on my phone, or via google website or in the sage software they are all updated at same time (without having to rely on flaky and often crashing for no reason Outlook!).


    Re: Syncronise with Google Calender

    Hi Billie,

    Thanks for posting this.
    Syncing between GoogleApps and RangerMSP can only be done by using MS Outlook as a conduit. This requires the use of the RangerMSP Outlook Sync and MS Outlook in order to work.

    We have received requests from our customers to add a Google Apps integrator; however, that feature is pending development.

    Hope this helps.



      Re: Syncronise with Google Calender

      google apps connector would be amazing


        Re: Syncronise with Google Calender

        Wish for direct Google Apps sync - would be wonderful. Contacts and calendar, but calendar especially.

        We currently sync to Google Calendar (and then down to our Blackberrys). We do this as suggested above by syncing first to Outlook, then use Google Calendar Sync to take it to the account. We do this for each tech. Works well, but ... requires Outlook and CommitCRM to run all the time (for 1/2 updates). :(


          Re: Syncronise with Google Calender

          any updates on this, and if it will possibly be in an upcoming version? we use google apps for email and calendar, and would really like it to work with CommitCRM.


            Re: Syncronise with Google Calender

            this would be the killer feature...


              Re: Syncronise with Google Calender

              Thanks for following up on this and for your feedback.

              This is something we're looking at, though we currently have other items on our list with a higher priority.

              Google Calendar syncs well with Outlook, as such you can sync RangerMSP with Google Calendar while using Outlook almost behind-the-scenes so everything goes from RangerMSP to Google Calendar through Outlook and vice versa.

              I'm not saying that a direct link won't work better, it probably will, I'm just saying that because there's a workable method to sync RangerMSP with Google Calendar (even without actually working with Outlook), it doesn't as a high development priority at the moment. Anyway, your votes for it were added. Thanks!



                Re: Syncronise with Google Calender

                +1 for google apps integration!


                  Re: Syncronise with Google Calender

                  make that 2, really would be a good option


                    Re: Syncronise with Google Calender

                    make it 8 more of us... Thanks !


                      Re: Syncronise with Google Calender

                      Another vote here!


                        Re: Syncronise with Google Calender

                        Just a short notice to let you guys know that we're watching this thread.


                          Re: Syncronise with Google Calender

                          we use google apps (without outlook) so a google apps integration tool would be essential to us now. we will even beta test if needed. we have 7 users with sql and all other add-ons


                            Re: Syncronise with Google Calender

                            Our company of 15 users are voting for this option. We use Android phones so this would be a must for us!


                              Re: Syncronise with Google Calender

                              @dytechs, do you use Exchange? ...or do you host all of your email w/ Google Apps?

