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August 11th, 2011, 04:14 PM
Stanley Ng
Posts: 89
Hi Commit,

Will CommitCRM release those features which is currently developed by DSG - Interlink for CommitCRM?

Those features are really helped. (eg: CommitCRM for Mobile Apps, Simplified Web Interface for CommitCRM, Customer Satisfaction Survey, Commit-GFI Integration)?

Thank You.
Stanley Ng
August 12th, 2011, 06:15 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hi Stanley,

Interlink for RangerMSP is a great plugin for RangerMSP and it is a separated project by a [recommended] third party.

We continue to add new features to RangerMSP and to enhance existing ones, including in the direction that you mentioned. We know that Interlink for RangerMSP is being enhanced as well.

As for GFI MAX, yes, we do have plans to offer such an integration, more on this will be published separately.

August 14th, 2011, 04:51 PM
Posts: 42
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

Although I am certain that CommitCRM will integrate some (if not all given enough time) of the improvements currently offered by Interlink into the base product who knows when that will happen. CommitCRM is very responsive to feature requests and they add new features at a pretty nice pace, however for sheer size of their wish list Interlink-specific enhancements will likely take awhile to get around to implementing.

For the few hundred dollars Interlink costs, if those features are important to you I'd say invest now. That's our plan - although we're still waiting on getting a few of our internal business processes straightened out to best take advantage of Interlink before we purchase it (we've ran a 30 day trial).

Yes, someday your investment may loose value if CommitCRM does start to implement some of those features (and you opt not to pay for Interlink updates that will of course continue moving forward as well), but how many of us have invested in one RMM (Zenith, LPI, Kaysea, GFI Max, Labtech, PacketTrap, IT Control Suite, LogMeIn Reach, etc.) just to later invest in a second, then a third, then a fourth...

We're in IT - an ever evolving industry that requires continued investment to stay on the crest of the wave. It's just the cost of doing business.

And may I point out, that we're all Commiters.... we're not paying $100s of dollars A MONTH to Autotask, Connectwise or even Shockey Monkey. Your Interlink investment is likely only 2 or 3 months of some of those services then you get to keep using it perpetually after that initial investment. Very Nice :)

And no, I don't work for DSG :) This was just my entire internal dialogue I had when I decided to purchase Interlink. Just don't tell Jim he's got my sale yet - I wanna keep my edge when asking for support during my trial ;-)

Just my $0.02
September 11th, 2012, 05:29 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Quick updates:

1. In RangerMSP 6.0 a new Web design for Mobile Devices was introduced. The RangerMSP Web Interface is now optimized for mobile devices with small displays. The Web interface has gone through a complete redesign to properly support mobile devices and small screens.

See more details in What's New.

2. A new RangerMSP-GFI MAX Link module was also recently introduced and provides an integration with GFI, a leading remote monitoring and management (RMM) solution designed for managed services providers (MSPs).

See more details in GFI MAX Link.

Enjoy our new version!
The RangerMSP Team
December 23rd, 2012, 06:54 PM
Posts: 3
I noticed that there is a gfi max module while playing with the trial version ofCommitCRM. FYI, I used CommitCRM several years ago and tried to get it to work with LabTech. I never quite got it working well and gave up and started using ConnectWise. ConnectWise is a great tool, but it is very expensive and the hosted service runs rather slow for my liking. I'd consider going back to CommitCRM if I could get good integration with LabTech. So far the only answer I get from support is that it's up to LabTech to sort this out, however their plugin hasn't been updated since early 2011 and still isn't very good. I notice that CommitCRM have written a msp connector for GFI. It'd be great if CommitCRM also had their own integration tools to work with LabTech as it doesn't seem to be a priority for them or perhaps work more closely with LabTech to get them to create an updated plugin that works well.
December 24th, 2012, 06:48 AM
Posts: 942
We have had integration working with Labtech for years. I'm not sure what you are running into, but I'm guessing it could be fixed.

I'm surprised that Connectwise didn't work out better for you! The way they market it, you should have been billing double be caused of all the added efficiencies. :)

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