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December 23rd, 2010, 08:10 AM
Posts: 4

I have created a custom New Ticket email template for new ticket auto-responses. I then when into options -> Alerts to Customers, and selected my new template under Alert about New Tickets -> Use Email Template. When I saved my changes I received a prompt stating that my changes could take several hours to be picked up by the CommitServer or that I could restart the service for the changes to take effect immediately.

I have done both (waited several hours and restarted the service) and the system is still sending out the default, old template. Am I missing something??

December 23rd, 2010, 08:49 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hi philrl9,

I think that there may be a confusion here between the Alerts Server and the Email Connector.

The Alerts to Customer tab works with the Alerts Server. Whenever you open/close a Ticket for your customer Accounts an email alert is being sent to them - using the Email Template and optionally with a selected attached PDF report.

The Auto-Response feature, is when a customer sends an email, which in turn is converted into a new Service Ticket in RangerMSP under the customer Account.
If enabled, the customer then automatically gets a auto response email. The template being used here for this auto-response email, is the one you configure when running the ServerConfig utility. There's an option under the Email Connector tab there to select the template to use.

I hope this helps and that it does relate to the issue at hand.

Let us know how it goes.

December 23rd, 2010, 09:05 AM
Posts: 4

Makes perfect sense. Thank you for the quick response!!!

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