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XERO integration questions

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    XERO integration questions

    We have just moved from Reckon/Quickbooks and have the XERO link working but have noticed a few things that would like some help with:

    • I don’t seem to be able to change the “CMT” prefix when exporting from Commit. This then translates into XERO as an invoice number starting with CMT rather than the XERO prefix of INV

    • We need to reset the invoice numbers so that commit invoices and XERO are in sequence. I can set the starting number for Commit but not sure if XERO will pic this up. Is there a way to do this?

    I can't work out how to link expenses account for different items such as labour and parts to XERO account codes. Only seem to be able to do this per customer not by expense account

    Re: XERO integration questions

    Thank you for posting this.

    Please find our answer below:

    1. The CMT prefix is automatically added to invoice numbers created in RangerMSP and it cannot be removed/changed. You can either remove it in Xero itself or in the Excel file just before importing that invoice/s file into Xero.

    2. When invoice numbers remain with the CMT prefix, no numbering collision is expected with the invoice numbers generated directly by Xero.

    3. It is possible to link a Xero account to a specific item or item group - it is explained in this article.

    Hope this helps.

