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Need a report of email addresses

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    Need a report of email addresses

    Is there a report that I can make that will just give me a report with:

    Customer Name
    Contact name
    Email Address

    I am getting desperate and can't figure it out.

    Re: Need a report of email addresses

    You can copy one of the Accounts report, for example: 'Contacts List' or 'Names, Addresses, & Phone Nos.', and use the built-in Report Designer remove unnecessary fields or replaced them with the Email Address fields.

    Another, and even easier, option is to print the Accounts list right from within the Accounts window - for this right click above the Accounts list, select Table Options > Print Table... from the pop up menu and select the fields to be included in the report.
    This will print all Accounts listed in the window, if needed you can first filter the Accounts list and then print the table.

    Hope this helps


      Re: Need a report of email addresses

      how can you get all of the contacts including the secondary?


        Re: Need a report of email addresses

        Thank you for posting this.

        In case the Secondary Contacts are not listed under the Accounts window, you can select to show them as following:

        Then you can use the Table Options in the pop up menu to print or export the listed Accounts and Contacts.

        Hope this helps.

