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November 26th, 2012, 08:53 AM
Posts: 217
Hi Commit,

Let say we have two companies both using CommitCRM and both using the 0500- numbering.

What if Company 1, creates a ticket with Company 2 as account and e-mails into this ticket.
Company 2 will receive this e-mail on their public e-mail adress...

Will the CommitCRM system of Company 2, create a ticket in Company 2 system, and apply a "second" 0500- ticket number to the subject field

So the Subject would look like this:
Inquery on printer 0500-1234 0500-3423

And can the CommitCRM communication work that way, if not - what needs to be done, to get the communikation it to work for the two companies.

Best Regards,
November 26th, 2012, 10:28 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Two RangerMSP systems should not talk to one another public email address and in case both systems use the public email address of the other it might mix tickets. Sometimes it does make sense though - for the same issue it has company 1 ticket number and the same issue is numbered and managed differently in company 2. In case you have to use this scenario and in case you have control over the 2nd company, please try to increment the Ticket number of the 2nd company so it will be easy to distinguish between the numbers.

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