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November 22nd, 2021, 05:16 PM
Posts: 113
Sure would be nice if we didn't have to repeatedly enter the password to get the password. Times out too soon. If its authenticated in the session then why does it need to be done again?

Some other authentication methods would be welcome...

FaceID etc..
November 23rd, 2021, 06:04 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,522
Your feedback is noted. Thank you.
March 15th, 2022, 10:42 AM
Posts: 39
I would also recommend the ability to have end-user password management.


Integrate with a standalone password manager.

Many of our clients want a password management platform. Would be nice to have JUST ONE, otherwise it is almost impossible to manage passwords well.

Either integrate with a full-featured password manager, OR enhance password management so you could extend the use to end-users/clients.

Which would require some redesign (obviously a single shared passphrase wouldn't work).

I REALLY like the way passbolt manages this (you have a registered browser plugin, that has to be authorized by requesting a unique activation link, after which you must enter your user-password, AND supply your dedicated private key). That way access is a personal passphrase PLUS that user profile on that browser on that computer has to have already been individually activated.
May 31st, 2022, 12:58 PM
Posts: 201
I'm using roboform, but no integration to CommitCRM.
Passbolt looks good, except 10 user minimum for $32 usd per month for up to 10 users.
Roboform is ~ $32 / year, / user with no minimum.
FYI, Bitwarden was my second choice, but had a limitation on the size of a notepad entry, 10,000 charaters, whereas Roboform could accomodate much larger entries for safenotes.
June 7th, 2022, 06:44 AM
Posts: 478
If we are looking at integrations with password managers I would say that Lastpass, Keeper, and IT Glue are pretty industry standard for MSP's.

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