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"Timer" in RangerMSP

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    "Timer" in RangerMSP

    When I want to record phone calls in the Account History tab, is it possible to use the Timer when doing this? I’ve had a quick play with this, but the Timer icon doesn’t appear anywhere.

    Also, is it possible to permanently change the settings for the Timer so it records work in 5 minute intervals instead of 15 mins?

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    Re: "Timer" in RangerMSP

    When I want to record phone calls in the Account History tab, is it possible to use the Timer when doing this? I’ve had a quick play with this, but the Timer icon doesn’t appear anywhere.
    Yes, you can activate the Timer from the Accounts window using the Accounts > Tools > New Timer menu. A quicker way is using Ctrl+T which activates the Timer from anywhere.

    Also, is it possible to permanently change the settings for the Timer so it records work in 5 minute intervals instead of 15 mins?
    Yes, you can define the minimal interval for the Timer from Tools > Options > Timer > Base Charging Unit. You may need to restart your RangerMSP session for this change to take effect.


