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Issue with Calendar Sync O365 using the app

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    Issue with Calendar Sync O365 using the app

    We have the outlook sync app running on the server where we setup another user to sync for all of the users. This works but lately we are seeing a lot of items in the calendars of "CmtTstItem-Deleted" it used to create and delete these items in the calendar but it seems now a number of them are staying. What would be causing this?

    the app itself is flaky where it will just lock up. This should be a feature in CommitCRM itself and not require the server be logged in to run a windows program instead of a service.

    how can we stop the CmtTstItem-Deleted from showing up in everyone's calendars?

    Re: Issue with Calendar Sync O365 using the app

    Thank you for posting this.

    Such records are created as a part of a pre-sync privilege tests that run when using with RangerMSP-Outlook sync (before the sync starts). What it does is verify that it can actually sync data before it starts syncing in order not to fail during a sync.

    You can freely delete such test records, but in any case, should it really be required we have just emailed you the instructions how to disable these checks and stop creating the test items - just keep in mind that this will skip the initial pre-sync test phase.

    Hope this helps.

