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Report copy problem

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    Report copy problem

    I found a problem making custom reports. The asset information fields no longer work on the copied report.

    This happens when I make a copy of "Technician Service Form Including Asset Details", or "Technician Service Form Including Charges1". All I did was make a copy, nothing edited. I verified that I can duplicate the problem again.

    When I print tickets using these custom forms and the asset fields are not filled in.
    When I print tickets using the original system forms, the asset fields still work.

    I have version
    Is this known problem? Will there be a fix for this?

    I like this program, Thanks for any help.

    Re: Report copy problem

    Hi mchallis,

    Thank you for letting us know about this.

    As far as I know this may happen in case you give the copied report a new name (rather than leave the original name e.g. "Technician Service Form Including Asset Details"). In this case the asset fields in the report may lose their link to the database fields. This can be fixed in the Report Designer window, by re-linking the fields with the relevant database field (select each field and define the relevant database field from the pull-down menu on the top-left corner of the designer window). I'll make sure that we have this issue logged for our developers.

    Another option, which may be easier to implement, is copy the report again and leave the report name as-is when copying. This should keep the fields links intact.You will still be able to find the customized report in the list since it will appear with (Custom) near the report name.

    I hope this helps and thanks for your feedback!



      Re: Report copy problem

      Thanks, I re-selected the fields and that got it working.


        Re: Report copy problem

        Yes, I ran into this problem as well - Tho I think it should be filed under Bugs. Changing the form name shouldn't break your fields.

