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SSL errors

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    SSL errors

    We have a new email server and since the installation we have been getting this error:

    SSL Exception: error:1409F07F:SSL routines:SSL3_WRITE_PENDING:bad write retry

    01/04/2017 10:41:25: Queued
    01/04/2017 10:41:25: Connecting
    01/04/2017 10:41:25: AlreadyConnected
    01/04/2017 10:41:25: Sending
    01/04/2017 10:41:25: Sending - SSL Exception: error:1409F07F:SSL routines:SSL3_WRITE_PENDING:bad write retry
    01/04/2017 10:41:26: Connecting
    01/04/2017 10:41:26: AlreadyConnected
    01/04/2017 10:41:26: Sending
    01/04/2017 10:41:26: Sending - SSL Exception: error:1409F07F:SSL routines:SSL3_WRITE_PENDING:bad write retry
    01/04/2017 10:41:27: Connecting
    01/04/2017 10:41:27: AlreadyConnected
    01/04/2017 10:41:27: Sending
    01/04/2017 10:41:27: ErrorOnSend - SSL Exception: error:1409F07F:SSL routines:SSL3_WRITE_PENDING:bad write retry


    Outgoing email queue folder:


    we also have the email connector go for a day then it quits. Stopping the commit server and web service doesn't help until we reboot the server.
    any help for trouble shooting tips would be appreciated.

    Re: SSL errors

    The error "SSL3_WRITE_PENDING:bad write retry" might be related to mail server limit policies that once reached, the process is blocked and it is not allowed to send/receive any more email. We had another customer with a somewhat similar issue and it was an Exchange policy.

    Please scroll down in this message and check whether it contains a name of the file that was not proceeded. It should be a file under server>\RangerMSP\Server\QSysEDOutbox folder.

    In case the file exists, you should stop 'RangerMSP Server' service on your server and then carefully delete this file.

    Then start the RangerMSP Server service on your server and give it a try.

    In case everything seems to be working (i.e. the emails are proceeded and tickets are created), however you still get the pop up window with this error in RangerMSP application, then try to delete manually the text file under folder


    Another possible reason for this error is that your Email Connector is configured to allow relaying the message, while the relay is disabled on your mail servce.

    Please open the file: \RangerMSP\Server\CmtEmailConnector.ini and search for the token OnEmailForwardSendOriginalAsAttachment.

    To disable the relay, please change this token to Y, e.g.


    Save and then restart 'RangerMSP Server' service on your server.

    Hope this helps.

