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Percentage Charges

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    Percentage Charges

    Hi folks,

    We've traditionally had clients paying via check for years but recently have had a lot more clients looking to pay via credit card recently. Credit card processing fees and profit margins being what they are, we don't want to have to eat the costs and our customers have agreed to pay it. Currently we've got a system where we can manually add the 3% at the end of the month, we'd really prefer a way to add in the 3% charge automatically to any invoices for specific clients.

    For reference we're using Quickbooks Pro 2019 and the latest version of CommitCRM.

    Re: Percentage Charges

    You can add a second tax for the additional 3% for that client. I hope this help.


      Re: Percentage Charges

      Thank you for posting this.

      @Point007 - What @PcWizard mentioned is one option to consider, while we're here, another one to consider is setting 3% markup under the Account Custom Pricing tab - for both Employee rates and Fixed Price Items as shown below.

      This way all Charges for this customer Account will be logged with 3% markup.

      As an alternative, you may indeed check whether it is possible to configure similar markup or tax, as suggested by @PcWizard, in QuickBooks, so the additional fee will be added directly to the invoice generated in QuickBooks.

      Hope this helps.


        Re: Percentage Charges

        I couldn't get the second tax to function with Quickbooks, the CommitCRM side seemed to work fine but it wouldn't show up in QB. The custom pricing angle looks like it should work great, I'm going to play with that now and go from there. I'll post an update when we finalize.



          Re: Percentage Charges

          Regarding taxes - We want to add that that the taxes are not transferred from RangerMSP and they should be managed in QuickBooks solely.

