View Full Version : Web Interface to Caledar

April 13th, 2009, 09:56 AM
Can you tell I'm thinking about schedules a lot?

Would be great if we could have a real Web interface to the calendar. This one is just a spreadsheet view, which doesn't really impart the layout of one's schedule too well.

phpicalendar.org has a nice design which is very simple. Theirs works from an ics file. I know that GoldMine (as does Mac) can export a calendar out to ics which can be viewed through that website. With some modification, that would be a great solution to allow us to have read /write / edit access to calendaring on the web interface.

Hope this makes sense and that others agree with my thoughts.

Support Team
April 13th, 2009, 02:48 PM
Yep! I can see you are thinking about schedules... :-)

Thanks for the URL and suggestion, I've forwarded this to our dev team so they'll see if it's applicable.


April 15th, 2009, 08:21 AM
Or options to sync to Google Calendar :) (this can then be shared or synced to Outlook, PDA, etc)