View Full Version : Customize QuickBooks invoice

March 8th, 2009, 11:43 PM
I have a question about customizing the invoice that is generated in CommitCRM. I know that you can add more details in the description field of the invoice, but I was wondering if there was a way to add another column into the generated invoice.

So lets say I want all the default items (date, item, units, Total, and Description). I then go up to the "Incl. in Description" button and i want to include ticket number. When you include it it goes into the description column.

Is there a way to add per say "ticket" column so that all the ticket numbers wont be in the description column but in its own column.

Thank you for a grate program

Gerrit VK

Support Team
March 9th, 2009, 10:06 AM
Hi Gerrit,

Thanks for your feedback :-)

This is an interesting suggestion and I can see how this may help, however, I believe we're limited to the available invoice-line fields offered by the QuickBooks API and I am not sure whether this is supported. Anyway, I have logged your suggestion to be further considered. Thanks.


March 9th, 2009, 01:04 PM
Right now I customized my QuickBooks invoice to include the ticket columns, and I guess I will just have to copy and paste that from the description, just hoping for a more automated process.

I know what you mean the default columns that QuickBooks has is identical to the ones CommitCRM has, just was hoping that CommitCRM would look at QuickBooks new invoice template ( the custom one i made for instance) and reflect the number and name of the columns.

This feature would definitely enhance the QuickBooks integration.

Thank you

Gerrit VK