View Full Version : Sales Tax Fields

December 3rd, 2019, 05:18 PM
I have multiple sales tax entities. State, Parish(County) and some Cities within the Parishes.
Quite often they change their sales tax rates.
I have entered into the sales tax fields many different sales tax codes to reflect all these entities. But I need to change several and I don't see a way to delete or modify the tax rate.
and when I try to enter "over" the previous... of course it says "hey you can't do that".

How can i get my sales tax adjustments corrected within CommitCRM?

December 3rd, 2019, 05:20 PM
Nevermind. Just found it.
Right click the field heading above the sales tax field.

Support Team
December 4th, 2019, 06:03 AM
Thank you for posting this and for the update.

For what it is worth - The entire list of Taxes is available under the Settings menu > Charges > Taxes menu option. A Tax can be deleted using the 'Delete' option from the pop up menu (in case the Tax is not being used under the Items/Accounts).

Following the links for more information: Using Taxes and Taxes FAQ.

Hope this helps.