View Full Version : Contract Type field

September 19th, 2019, 10:19 AM
I could use some help translating the contracts.

Contracts have a Type.

the field is 'CONTRACTTYPE' and is a single letter value.

CONTRACTTYPE appear to be in the "BPLANS" table.

However I end up with multiple "Contract types" that use the same value "M, T, G or H"

I could see if the type was tied using RECID, but it appears to be tied using a value that is not unique... I must be misunderstanding how these relationships are created/managed.

Any help would be appreciated.

Support Team
September 19th, 2019, 01:03 PM
Thanks for asking. This is all "low-level" that most people never get to deal with!

Let us try to clarify:

CONTRACTTYPE in Bcontracts database table represents the type of the Contract:

M - For block of Money
H - For block of Hours
T - For block of Tickets
G - For Global

A Contract may be linked to a Billing Plan - in this case in table BContracts for this Contract record, the BPlANRECID field will hold the record ID of the Billing Plan, i.e. BPlans.RECID.

The Contract type matches the Plan type.

A Contract may, but does not have to, link to a Plan.

Hope this helps.