View Full Version : Tickets - mandatory field - default value

April 24th, 2018, 02:50 PM
I have Ticket Priority set as a mandatory field, but it defaults to normal so the tech who enters the ticket can disregard it and all tickets end up as set to "Normal" priority.

Is there a way to not let the ticket be created without the tech actually setting a priority on it? Or a way to change the default value to something that won't be accepted so it has to be changed?

Thank you

Support Team
April 25th, 2018, 06:08 AM
Thank you for posting this.

The default priority for new Tickets is indeed Normal, following the assumption that most tickets fall into this saving time while inserting new Tickets. Unlike with other fields, this is a fixed default that cannot be changed. We will a note on this requirement. Thanks.

Hope this helps.