View Full Version : Can't export to excel

September 5th, 2016, 08:41 PM
I'm experiencing some errors when i do export to excel.
Here is the error.
Error in data export: Invalid class string, ProgID: "Excel.Application"

What does it mean?

Thank you.

Support Team
September 6th, 2016, 06:06 AM
Thank you for posting this. This is an external Windows COM interface error and it means that when RangerMSP tries to create an Excel object, in order to use it for exporting the data, the creation fails.

First verify that you have Excel installed, in case you do then in 99% percent of the cases reinstalling Office fixes this problem as the Excel API classes are being registered again and the call to create an Excel object then works.

In case you have another PC on your network you can try the export there.

Hope this helps.

September 6th, 2016, 08:37 PM

Thanks for the reply. I will try to reinstall microsoft office and will feedback you later.

Thanks again

September 6th, 2016, 09:40 PM

It's working fine now.

Thank you very much for the support.