View Full Version : Feature request: Clickable ticket number and account

January 14th, 2013, 04:34 PM
Hi Commit,

Often when a ticket is created, a technician oftem receives an e-mail with ticket number and account information.
How about, making the ticket number clickable, and have it launch/activate CommitCRM which lookups that ticket number. (or account and so on)

It will save us alot of time.

And it is really very simple to implement

Did you just click the url? or did you copy, start internet, write or paste it ?
I believe that that you just clicked it - It is the same feature for CommitCRM I am talking about, just for ticket number and accounts

End user will see: Ticket: 0500-1234
URI could be: committicket://0500-1234

End user will see: Account: My best customer
URI could be: commitaccount://CRDSRME5BLXO74WZOXG0

Support Team
January 15th, 2013, 06:19 AM
Thank you for suggesting this. We will evaluate it and we actually think that we may have such a request on file already.

For what it worth - email alerts and others, sent to both employees and customers, can automatically contain a link to go directly to the ticket right from the email body, it does, however, takes you to the Web interface, not the Windows client. Yet many times, especially when working remotely, it is very useful.


January 16th, 2013, 09:15 PM
Lol, I was just getting ready to submit the same request. You stole the words right out of my mouth! Commit, I know we've talked about his before, bit it would be EXTREMELY beneficial.

I've developed several modules that email info out to employees as well as a webbased dashboard - to be able to click onto tickets and have it pull up the ticket/account/opportunity, would be incredible.

This would be really (relatively) simple to implement - and would provide so much integration to systems like Labtech, Gfi, etc... Anything that enhances integration with other systems is only going to add value to CommitCRM going forward.

Support Team
January 17th, 2013, 06:15 AM
Yes, we see it logged originally under you name :-) Thanks for the additional comments.