View Full Version : relations tab --

August 1st, 2012, 08:20 PM
So we have started playing around with the relations tab to establish vendor records and link them to clients. The big issue I see at this point is if a vendor opens a ticket through the email connector for a client, the ticket will be assigned to the vendor instead of the client... is there a method to re-route the ticket to the client instead of the vendor (given that they are linked via relaions) -- that is, other than copying the ticket and deleting the ticket which really won't work anyhow because the ticket number will change...

if there is no way to do this currently, then put this on the list!!! we really need a way to move tickets from account to account... (!)

thanks --


August 2nd, 2012, 05:24 AM
...ray, that vendor could be open long a ticket for any of a thousand clients. How is CommitCRM supposed to know which one the vendor is emailing in for?

...now a simple "move to account" option. That would be ideal.

Support Team
August 2nd, 2012, 06:18 AM
lpopejoy is on point here. Any number of Account records can be linked via Relations tab - this means that a vendor can be linked to many different accounts and we won't be able to tell to which the Ticket should be opened under.

Regarding moving tickets from account to account... It would have helped. We have this request on file. Thanks.

August 2nd, 2012, 01:22 PM
it seems that so many different issues and requests would be solved if we could move tickets to different accounts/contacts. I myself have posted at least 3 different situations that this feature would solve... I'm guessing it's pretty complicated to implement (how would the system re-assign history notes, documents, emails, etc.) but it does seem like this is a must have process.

cheers --
