View Full Version : Appointment roll-over - move appointment from one week to another

January 9th, 2012, 07:53 AM
Is there a way to roll-over appointments in a batch, or drag and drop from week to week?
I am able to do this by changing the start work week, but is there a better way?

Support Team
January 9th, 2012, 08:50 AM
Drag and drop of appointments is supported between visual calendar day. So in a daily view you can simply drag/drop appointments to another hour. In a daily by technician view - you can drag/drop appointments between your technicians. In a Weekly view - between days. The monthly calendar on displayed on the right side when daily view is select only shows free/busy days but unfortunately you cannot drag/drop to it and therefore you cannot drag/drop between different weeks. Feedback noted. Thanks.

March 29th, 2012, 02:34 PM
Please, please for the love of my sanity, and reduction of DruDgery, please, please enable the dragging and dropping of calendar items from week to week, month to month. For the love of Pete and all things Holy. Thank you. We live and die by the calendar, not tickets. 1,000 Blessings will be bestowed upon you. At the very least, the ability to filter undone appointments in the calendar, appointments list view.

Support Team
March 29th, 2012, 02:48 PM
Noted :-)