View Full Version : Job progress bar

February 26th, 2011, 04:18 AM
Is there any way to mark a job as 20%, 50%, 75% etc completed.

Support Team
February 28th, 2011, 06:02 AM
The following: The Ticket (Job) record in RangerMSP has some predefined custom fields (you can add new one should it is required). Most are found under the Tickets' Details tab.

Select one of the fields, double click its label and a window will open where you can set the field name and label - type "Progress" for both the Name and Label and confirm.
Then, click the drop down list of the "Progress" field and select '[Edit List]'. This will allow you to customize the values in the drop down list - add "20%". "50%", etc.

Done. From now on you can set the progress status of each Job by selecting the relevant value from the drop down for the Progress field.

Hope this helps,

February 28th, 2011, 12:11 PM
Thank you, very good.