View Full Version : Opportunity - hours expended

July 11th, 2009, 12:05 PM
Does anyone have a suggestion on how to track the number of hours worked on an Opportunity?

You can add a charge from within Opportunity => History => New => Labor Charge.
But is seems the charge goes against the Account and not against the Opportunity.

My purpose is to get a feel for whether I have expended too much time on a Opportunity compared to the value of the deal. For me, it is real easy to get overcommitted to a new deal and expend too much time!

Support Team
July 13th, 2009, 07:16 AM
Hi allenc,

You have raised an interesting question.

You can approach this in two ways:
1) If these are expenses you wish to charge this customer for once you win the opportunity, you can log them as History Notes under the opportunity (in the History tab), and once you win the opportunity, you can create a charge out of the history note as you mentioned.
2) In case you wish to track these expenses internally, you can create a dedicated "opportunities" account for this purpose. Whenever you have a large opportunity which requires charges tracking, you can create a contract for it under this account, and log all the charges under this contract. This way you can track the charges without actually billing the customer for them.

I hope this help.


July 13th, 2009, 01:18 PM
Thanks, I can see how I can use the Dedicated Opportunities account for my needs.